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  Forgetting Sarah Marshall R-15
  Good Luck Chuck R-15
  The Game Plan PG
  Adventure in Autumn PG
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1 Crossroads - Bone Thugs
2 Low - flo Rida
3 Im yours - jason mraz
4 Sorry, put the blame... - akon
5 Dont matter - akon
6 Black & Gold - Sam Sparrow
7 Sweet escape - gwen stefani
8 Out of my head - fastball

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  Adventure in Autumn    
  Karma Chameleon    
  Narda by tiw    
  ESPECIALLY by tiw    
  Ang Tiguwang    
  Nydala Birds    

PG 13

Slumdog Millionaire  
Genre: Action Comedy  
Starring: Dev Patel,  
Freida Pintu  
Rating: +9  


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